The Three Grumpies
Tamra Wight
HB ISBN 0-7475-6423-X
PB ISBN 0-7475-6492-2
When a little girl wakes up in the morning, Grumpy, Grumpier and Grumpiest are waiting for her. They are determined to make her day a misery. Try as she might she can't fight them off as her day goes from bad to worse. But when she starts to look on the bright side of the disastrous goings-on things start to pick up for the little girl, and take an interesting change of direction for the three Grumpies. This hilarious picture book is perfect for all young readers who sometimes find themselves the victim of grumpy moods.

One of The Telegraph's children's picture books of the year!
As Featured on CBeebies BBC Little Toe Show!
"Spirited and sharp, with witty, larky drawings, this is a highly recommended way to dismiss bad company." The Independent
"I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," she begins. "Grumpy, Grumpier and Grumpiest were waiting for me." In Ross Collins's pictures, the Grumpies are subversive looking blobs with bulging eyes and protruding teeth. They are funny rather than sinister, and that is the whole point. The central character spends all day trying to get rid of them, but only succeeds when she begins to laugh at them. This is suitable for children of three and over, and might just help when they have the Grumpies." The Telegraph