Where Giants Hide
Mij Kelly
Hodder Children's Books
HB ISBN: 978-0340959992
I went hunting for giants. I searched far and wide.
They're bigger than houses. So WHERE do they hide?
A sceptical little girl goes for a stroll. She doesn't believe in trolls, mermaids, goblins, fairies, unicorns, giants or any of that baloney. But maybe, if she tried a little bit harder she'd see the magic that is right under her nose. A wonderful celebration of childhood magic and dreams.
"The mass of detail in the illustration will make this book a firm favourite to share with a small child; there's just so much to talk about..." School Librarian
There's lots to enjoy in Where Giants Hide. It's simple and short enough to be understood by
little 'uns, but is sophisticated enough that they'll still enjoy it as they get a little older too.
Ross Collins' illustrations... have a modern freshness - and lots of energy. The red, teal and yellow
colour palette is very striking and works brilliantly without feeling forced. As more and more
craziness is going on behind the little girl's back, he really lets his hair down. The pages are a delight to pore over.
If you love magic, adventure and humour (and who doesn't?) then you'll have a super time with Where Giants Hide. Well worth a look."
The Bookbag